Thursday, 26 March 2015


Well, here it is!! I've finally taken the plunge into the ocean of blogging. Today I find myself in a terrible place...teetering on the brinks of a depression, yet again. I go into terrible zones, the dankest recesses of the mind from which return seems almost always impossible. But then there is something irrepressible in the human spirit, in MY spirit, and, as my dad puts it, I "bounce back." Yet, the time spent in those zones take a toll on me and those around me. So, to save everyone and myself a whole lot of bother I finally decided to use the magic of words to wrest me from the desolation that threatens to envelop me. Its late at night, so I guess I'll let this suffice for now. 


  1. Yasmin the room in your head has space for many more treasures...delve deeper

    1. vidu...this room in my head exists primarily because of you!! Love you, for what you are to me!
